Whole-Body Cryotherapy
Supercharge your body’s natural anti-inflammatory response by combining IV Therapy with a 3-minute, painless, ultracold therapy session.
Just 3 minutes of whole-body cryotherapy unleashes a cascade of endorphins and anti-inflammatory responses in the body–the perfect complement to your IV therapy.
By lowering your internal body temperature, cryotherapy triggers a response that sends blood to the body’s core. There, the blood becomes naturally enriched with nutrients, including your IV treatments. Upon exiting the Cryotherapy chamber, your hyper-enriched blood enters your extremities for optimal dispersion of your IV vitamins and minerals throughout your whole body.

Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain

Burn Fat
Cold signals to your body to “burn” at a higher rate. This metabolic reaction to a 3-minute cryotherapy session can burn 500 to 800 calories in the five hours post-treatment.

Improve Skin Tone and Elasticity
After exiting a cryo-chamber, your blood vessels will dilate, sending oxygen-rich blood, collagen, and your IV treatment back throughout the body. Collagen directed to the area most needed, the skin, will aid in improving skin elasticity, reducing visible wrinkles, and increasing blood flow to the skin.

Reduce Chronic Pain
What to Expect
Originally developed in Japan as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, the benefts of cryotherapy are well-researched, including improved sleep, faster recovery, better focus, less severe migraines and more. Now everyone can beneft from the same technology used by professional sports teams, olympic atheletes, and everyday elite athletes with an afordable and fast therapy.

What to Expect
Originally developed in Japan as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, the benefts of cryotherapy are well-researched, including improved sleep, faster recovery, better focus, less severe migraines and more. Now everyone can beneft from the same technology used by professional sports teams, olympic atheletes, and everyday elite athletes with an afordable and fast therapy.
Book a Consultation Today
Here Are a Few Other FAQs We Get a Lot
Is cryotherapy painful?
Is cryotherapy safe?
Is cryotherapy a fad?
Modern cryotherapy dates back to 1978, when it was developed in Japan as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. But humans have been using cold treatment as a part of medicine for centuries, including putting ice on injuries, or the Nordic tradition of contrasting ice baths and saunas. In many ways, science has simply caught up with treatments our ancestors used regularly for health and longevity, without the pain and side-effects that come from direct, longer exposure to extreme cold.
Is cryotherapy proven?
Celebrities we know of who use cryotherapy include LeBron James, Joe Rogan, Derek Hough, Tony Robbins, Kevin Hart, Demi Moore, Tim Ferris, Daniel Craig, Mandy Moore, and Chelsea Handler.

My whole body felt better! I felt invigorated and slept so much better. I am definitely doing it again!”