As more and more synthetic peptides get approved by the FDA, medical professionals are leveraging their benefits to restore, repair, and boost biological processes. We’ll explain the various uses and side effects associated with peptides to help you decide if peptides might benefit you.

What are Peptides?

Peptides are short chains of 2 to 50 amino acids. The amino acids are linked together through a chemical bond called a peptide bond. Peptides are an integral part of various biological processes.

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What Do Peptides Do for the Body?

Peptides have various functions and benefits for the body, including:

  • Regulating biological processes: Peptides act as signaling molecules to regulate various biological processes like digestion, metabolism, and cell growth.
  • Supporting the Immune system: Peptides boost the immune system, improving overall immunity and reducing the risk of infections.
  • Stimulating hormone production: Peptides help increase hormone production, such as insulin.
  • Reducing pain and inflammation: Some peptides contain anti-inflammatory properties and reduce pain and inflammation from various conditions, such as osteoarthritis and injuries.
  • Improving athletic performance: Peptides enhance athletic performance by increasing muscle mass, strength, and endurance.
  • Repairing the skin: Peptides promote skin repair and improve skin texture, firmness, and hydration.
  • Improving sleep: Some peptides improve sleep quality by increasing the body’s production of melanin.

What Do Peptides Do for the Skin?

Peptides have various benefits for the skin, including the following:

  • Stimulating collagen production: Peptides stimulate collagen production, improving the skin’s structure and elasticity.
  • Improving skin hydration: Peptides improve skin hydration by attracting and retaining moisture, leaving the skin feeling soft and supple.
  • Reducing inflammation and redness: Peptides contain anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce redness and inflammation from conditions like acne and rosacea.
  • Repairing damaged skin: Some peptides repair damaged skin by promoting cell growth and supporting the skin’s natural healing process.
  • Improving skin texture: Peptides improve skin texture by smoothing roughness and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Brightening the skin’s appearance: Some peptides brighten the skin, diminishing the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Need help deciding if peptides would be right for you? Talk to one of our medical professionals to learn more.


Related Link: Anti-aging Therapy: How IV Therapy May Help

Happy woman who is healthy and has clear skin from peptides


How Many Peptides are There?

There are tens of thousands of naturally occurring peptides that have been identified, and many more have yet to be discovered. In addition, peptides can also be synthesized for various purposes, such as for use in cosmetics and skincare products, as well as for research and therapeutic applications. 

How Many Peptides are FDA Approved

The FDA approves only about 33 non-insulin peptides because more research needs to be done on long-term safety. There are over 170 synthetic peptides currently in clinical trials for efficacy and safety. The use of peptides as therapeutic agents is a rapidly growing field, and the number of FDA-approved peptides is likely to continue to increase in the coming years.

At Prime IV Hydration & Wellness, we offer peptides that can address your immune system, weight management, anti-aging, muscle growth, and muscle recovery. You can also choose to add one of our signature IVs to to enhance your peptide experience.Popular Synthetic Peptides

Most synthetic peptides require a prescription from your doctor. Some of the most popular synthetic peptides include:

  • CJC-1295: This peptide increases growth hormone secretion and improves athletic performance.
  • Ipamorelin: A synthetic peptide that boosts growth hormone and improves body composition.
  • BPC-157: An anti-inflammatory and wound-healing peptide with many medical applications, such as treating gastric and muscular injuries.

Are Peptides Steroids?

No, peptides are not steroids. Peptides are short chains of amino acids, while steroids are a class of organic compounds that contain a characteristic ring structure. Peptides support a wide range of functions and effects on the body. 

While both peptides and steroids can have performance-enhancing effects, they are distinct compounds with different mechanisms of action, risks, and side effects.

What Foods are High in Peptides?

Many foods are rich in peptides that can benefit your body. Foods that are high in peptides include:

  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Soy products like tofu and tempeh
  • Meat and poultry
  • Seafood
  • Legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans
  • Whole grains like oats, hemp seeds, flaxseed, wheat, and quinoa

What’s the Best Way to Increase Peptides in Your Body?

Some ways to increase peptides in your body include the following:

  • Eating more high-peptide foods.
  • Consuming protein supplements, like whey or casein, that are rich in peptides.
  • Eating fermented foods, such as kefir and sauerkraut, which contain high levels of bioactive peptides
  • Increasing your protein intake because many peptides are derived from larger protein molecules.
  • Supplementing your diet with natural and synthetic peptide medications and treatments.

Peptide injections are the most popular way to administer synthetic peptides because the injections have the highest bioavailability. When taken on an empty stomach, peptide injections can be absorbed within thirty minutes, ensuring the peptides circulate directly into the bloodstream. 

Ready to try a peptide IV injection to improve your health? Find one of our nearest locations to get an appointment.


Woman needing a peptide recovery treatment after exercise


What are the Side Effects of Peptides

The side effects of peptides can depend on the specific type of peptide and the method of consumption. Some common side effects associated with peptides include:

  • Digestive issues like nausea, diarrhea, and other digestive symptoms.
  • Hormonal imbalances caused by growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRP)
  • Suppressed natural hormone production.
  • Increased risk of blood clots.

Because peptides are natural and synthetic peptides mimic natural peptides, most peptides have relatively mild side effects and are often considered generally safe to consume. 

Prime IV Hydration & Wellness offers the latest peptide injection therapy. We can customize IV treatments to boost weight loss, anti-aging,, and much more to enhance your peptide experience.

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